Self Esteem and Surgery – The Changing Face of Plastic Surgery
Harley St Aesthetics - Plastic Surgery in London
Plastic surgery involves a seamless blend of art and science, something which Dr Dirk fully appreciates.
By combining his meticulous surgical skills with state-of-the-art non-invasive treatments, Dr Dirk offers the best possible outcome for both the face and body. He has travelled the world working alongside the finest plastic surgeons, cherry picking the best techniques which he now offers at his London cosmetic surgery practice. Dr Kremer has been voted the best facelift surgeon in London.
Plastic surgery might not be life saving but it can be life changing. Available cosmetic surgery procedures include:
Facelift Surgery
A facelift is an intimate cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance of the face, jaw and neck areas by tightening of the skinand facial muscles, and removal of fat.
The face lift is one of London based surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer's most popular procedures. Dr Kremer's trademarked signature "Turn-Back-Time" facelift (TBT FaceliftTM) blends the best bits of a conventional face lift with Dr Kremer's technique of pulling the skin and fat upwards, rather than sideways, to reduce nose and mouth folds.
If you're looking to have a face lift in London, learn more about Dr Kremer's facelift, necklift and TBT Facelift procedures.
How much does a facelift in London cost?
Other Plastic Surgery Procedures
- Signature
Dr Dirk Kremer's signature techniques include his "Turn Back Time" T-B-T facelift and T-B-T eyelift, e-lipo body sculpting, and split muscle breast augmentation. - Face
including facial implants, rhinoplasty (nose), eyelift, otoplasty (ears), lips, botox and dermal fillers. - Breasts
including breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift and gynecomastia. - Body
including abdominoplasty, liposuction, arm lift and thigh lift. - Non-surgical
Dr Dirk also performs non-surgical face and body rejuvenation, turning back time and preventing ageing with the latest technological advances.
Dr Dirk has become the London cosmetic surgeon of choice for a number of European celebrities and 'A' listers. He also gives advice in the media, and you may have seen him on The Alan Titchmarsh Show presenting a plastic surgery / beauty slot and giving live consultations.
Call us now on 0845 519 7232 to book in for a one-to-one consultation with Dr Dirk and you'll soon see why!

Most trusted plastic surgery practice London

Best for

Best for

Best for

Member of the German Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
Learn about the procedures by watching Dr Kremer's TV and Radio appearances
Under the Knife - Awaken Stars segment on Awaken Atlanta
Men who have plastic surgery are seen as more likeable
CNN's Hala Gorani Tonight
BBC Stories: Black Beauty and the Brazilian Butt Lift
Sex, Knives and Liposuction - W
Dr. Kremer discusses the impact of 'love island and instagram on our body image'- BBC World News
More and more young people are having plastic surgery
Breast enhancement, fuller lips, fuller bottoms
Marionette lines and tummy tuck
Gynecomastia and acne scars
TBT eyelift and rhinoplasty
TBT Necklift and Chemical peels
Bingo wings and ageing hands
Browloft, Botox and eyelift
Dermal Fillers - live demonstration by Dr Dirk Kremer
Weight loss surgery
Eyelifts and Snoring
Post Pregnancy Tummies
Sweaty Feet
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer - Short Version
Age Spots
Hair Loss
Weight Loss Solutions
Dr Kremer and the Nose of the Duchess of Cambridge
Book a Consultation
Dr Kremer conducts virtual consultations via WhatsApp or Zoom and in-person consultations at our office in Harley Street, London. If you would like to book a consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.