As men grow older, the facial skin and the underlying fat and connective tissue can become loose, resulting in an increasing loss of elasticity of the skin with accompanying folds. The degree of wrinkling is individual and is influenced by various factors, such as UV radiation, nicotine consumption, weight fluctuations and also by genetics. The anti-wrinkle creams offered by the cosmetics industry are usually of little help.
Men are often disturbed by a limp neck sagging with the split neck muscle (platysma), and the low-hanging eyebrows with a strongly folded forehead and deeply entrenched nasolabial folds.
In this case, a neck and facelift surgery, will help to smooth wrinkles on the neck, face and forehead, resulting in a fresh, youthful look. A
facelift is often combined with
a correction of the upper and lower eyelids.
In a detailed consultation Dr Dirk Kremer will discuss what type of lifting is appropriate for you.
What risks are associated with a face lift?
Are you considering a facelift? If so you should ensure that the procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery - such as Dr Dirk Kremer. In such a case, it is rare that complications occur, and the long lasting results are subtle with a natural aesthetic.
Possible complications of a facelift:
Bruising and swelling
As with any surgery, bruising and swelling will occur. The bruising usually heals by itself but wearing a compression mask for 1-2 days can significantly reduce the swelling.
Discuss with Dr Kremer whether the wearing of such a compression bandage is suitable for you and the facelift you are having.
Bleeding from a facelift is rare, but significant swelling and pain associated with surgery can cause it and must be stopped immediately.
Infection of the wound area is very rare due to the very good blood supply to the face. If an infection should occur an appropriate antibiotic therapy can heal this infection very rapidly.
Wound healing disorders
Wound healing disorders are also rare. As a rule, various risk factors play a role, and you will talk with your surgeon before surgery to discuss these in detail. These so-called risk factors include: delayed healing in diabetic patients, smokers and patients with bleeding disorders.
Numbness of the skin
Numbness of the skin at the surgical site can occur temporarily during a facelift, caused by the severing of the finest skin nerves during the preparation. Sensitivity usually returns during the healing process.
Hair loss
Operating in the scalp area can lead to scarring and possibly alopecia, or hair loss. This is very rare and can be corrected later.
Injury of the facial nerve
Injury of the facial nerve is extremely rare for a facelift. In the preparation of the facial skin, the nerve can be slightly damaged by tearing or bruising. This causes a temporary weakening of parts of the facial muscles, but which later re-forms with the healing and regeneration of the nerve branch again. Since the facial muscles stimulate numerous nerve branches, a complete paralysis of a part of the facial muscles would require a complete separation of all these nerve branches and is almost non-existent.
Overall, the face lift or facelift has a high degree of efficiency and safety.
Things to consider before facelift surgery?
As with any surgery, you should be well and in good health beforehand.
- Alcohol consumption should be reduced to a minimum
- Smoking should be limited as much as possible, as nicotine reduces blood flow to the tissue.
- Heavy smokers should refrain completely preceding a facelift. Discuss with your surgeon, how long before and after surgery you should stop smoking.
- Aspirin and similar blood-thinning medications should for their inhibitory effect on blood clotting not be consumed for two weeks before and after surgery.
- It is advisable to plan for some recuperation time, up to seven days after surgery or after the facelift.
For questions and doubts before the surgery, please call your surgeon.