Tummy Tuck Before and After

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck as it is colloquially known, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excessive fatty tissue and skin folds from around the stomach to tighten up the area. The procedure is a popular one, being one of the most commonly performed procedures in the UK. Patients who undergo an abdominoplasty procedure do so for a variety of reasons, but it is particularly common amongst women who have been left with excess skin after losing their baby weight, as well as amongst those who have lost a lot of weight through dieting or exercise. Having excess skin can make someone feel uncomfortable or self-conscious and it can greatly affect their confidence levels. If you feel like your self-esteem could benefit from a tummy tuck procedure, take a look at the before and after images below to get a sense of what results Dr Kremer has achieved on previous patients. If you require any more information or you would like to arrange an initial consultation with our head plastic surgeon, Dr Kremer, to discuss your options, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Abdominoplasty Patient Before and After 2

Abdominoplasty patient Before and After 2


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Abdominoplasty Patient Before and After 1

Abdominoplasty patient Before and After 1


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