Dr Kremer's Blog

Facelift surgery in London

By Harley Street plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. The face is often the first reflection of your age. If someone asks you to guess how old they are, how do you gauge your opinion? You look at their face. You look for physical signs of aging (or lack thereof) that  

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What are the benefits of necklift surgery?

By plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. The natural changes to our face and body as we age can have a negative impact on the way we feel about ourselves and it can really knock our confidence for six. We may enjoy feeling older and wiser mentally, but not many of  

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Dr Kremer conducts virtual consultations via WhatsApp or Zoom and in-person consultations at our office in Harley Street, London. If you would like to book a consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.