How do you know you’re ready for a facelift?

06 March 2020

Woman's FaceBy plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer

Aging is something that creeps upon everyone and unfortunately there is no natural way to escape it. We all age at different rates with different parts of the face and body showing the effects as and when they feel ready. We can try moisturising creams, increasing the amount of sleep, drinking more water, eating healthier, exercising regularly - that fact of the matter is signs of aging will catch us all.

Now, this aging process is slow and prolonged over a number of years. Not many people wake up one morning, look in the mirror and instantly decide it’s time to get a facelift. Most facelift patients mull over the idea for quite a long time, perhaps even a number of years, before deciding to book in their initial consultation with a plastic surgeon to learn more about the procedure and what it can achieve.

If you’re someone who is beginning to wonder whether you’d be a good candidate for facelift surgery, then perhaps you follow some of these tell-tale signs:

You look tired and jaded, even when well-rested

This is something that people around you may be subtly (or not so subtly) pointing out to you. Are family, friends or co-workers often questioning whether or not you feel tired? Things such as stress, gravity, heredity inheritances and sun exposure all take their toll on the face over the years, and these effects could be making you look tired despite how well-rested you actually feel. Over the year, skin becomes more and more lax and the face begins to lose it’s volume and elasticity. Cheeks can look sunken, skin tissue may gather around the jawline and the corners of the mouth can appear downturned. Any or all of these effects contribute to a tired and fatigued appearance.

Dreaded deep lines and wrinkles

Fine lines, typically around the eyes and forehead, are often the first signs of aging and usually begin to appear in our late 20s before slowly progressing through our 30s onwards. Once those fine lines become deeper lines and wrinkles then this may be an indication that cosmetic surgery is something you may want to begin to consider. Nasolabial folds, which are the lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth, is a very common complaint among many patients seeking a facelift. When lines and wrinkles become deeply etched into the face and/or neck, then facelift surgery (perhaps combined with necklift surgery) is likely to be the solution that offers the best results.

A loss of definition in the neck and chin

As we age, our cheeks slowly begin to look hollow and our skin begins to sag. As the face begins to head south due to gravity taking its course the lower face becomes fuller, and this is how jowls develop. The definition in the jawline decreases and fat accumulation or simply sagging skin can give the appearance of a double chin. The skin around the neck also becomes lax and wrinkled over time, often resulting in what people call a “turkey neck”.

If you find that you’re suffering from some or all of these tell-tale signs, then perhaps it’s time you scheduled a consultation and discussed what can be achieved through facelift surgery to help turn-back-time for a more youthful looking you.

To book your appointment so that we can discuss the facelift procedure, or to learn more about my signature TBT Facelift that I offer here at Harley Street Aesthetics, don’t hesitate to contact me today. You can call 0845 519 72732, e-mail or fill in the online contact form.


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Book a Consultation

Dr Kremer conducts virtual consultations via WhatsApp or Zoom and in-person consultations at our office in Harley Street, London. If you would like to book a consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.