Dr Kremer's Blog

Why is nicotine bad for plastic surgery?

By plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. It’s no secret that over time, smoking has negative effects on our health, wellbeing, and physical appearance - especially our skin. In fact, smoking is a significant contributing factor that can drive so many people to cosmetic procedures such as facelifts and eye bag  

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Am I too old for plastic surgery?

By plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. Many plastic surgery procedures target the signs of aging. Women and men alike often attend consultations at my office in London with questions related to facelifts, necklifts, eyelid surgery and such, all wondering how fantastically youthful they will look following the surgery. It’s very  

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What is pregnancy like after a tummy tuck?

By plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. A tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at those who are looking to tighten their abdomen region to produce a more aesthetically pleasing midsection. The procedure is invasive and involves the removal of excess fat and tissue from the stomach region.Though the  

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Dr Kremer conducts virtual consultations via WhatsApp or Zoom and in-person consultations at our office in Harley Street, London. If you would like to book a consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.